Do Indianapolis Skunks Live in Groups or Alone?

When you are dealing with wild Indianapolis animals you want to understand how they live. It’s the only way to get rid of them. It’s a lot like a pack of lions hunting their prey, they look at and consider what they are hunting, and how to effectively make a kill. Same goes for the skunks. As a homeowner you want to understand how they live and survive.

What to Look for
As you already know, you can easily identify Indiana skunks by their white striped that go along their backs. While they can have different looking stripes they are all distinct. You won’t need much in order to determine that you have skunks in or near your home based solely on the smell.

How do they Live
It depends on the season, their age, and their development. Male Indiana skunks will generally live by themselves throughout the year, except when it is really cold. At that point they might share a den (that they likely took from another animal) in order to conserve body heat and keep each other warm. Generally in situations like this it will be one male and female or one male and multiple females. Mating season however holds a different scenario, because they are trying to grow a family. Their mating season is from February through March. Males don’t look for only one female; they will follow multiple females. They have the opportunity to mate with a female and then move on. Female skunks once pregnant will locate a den or build their own (and not the same one they use for the winter generally) and then raise their young until they are large enough to go out on their own.

They Do Their Own Thing
As stated, Indianapolis skunks are generally solitary. They don’t actually attempt to have contact with other skunks unless there are their kittens or they are mating. Males are set in their ways and stick to their territories and aren’t really tolerant of other males in their area. Females however are willing to live near other female skunks. So while they are solitary, you may see more than one group of females and her kittens in one area.

Be sure of what you Have Left
If you are trying to remove them you can easily tell if you have gotten all of them by laying flower by their entrance. If there are no footprints in the morning you have most likely gotten them all as they are nocturnal animals and do their hunting at night.

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